3rd February 2020

Grice Collins Long loves Mojo

Grice Collins Long loves Trace's Mojo

Grice Collins Long are Chartered Surveyors who are leaders in their particular sector of property management – that of the high turnover retail premises you find in travel centres such as motorway service areas and railway stations.

GCL are long term users of TRAMPS. They recognise its reliability and reporting power, and the fact that it has helped them to compete effectively against much larger managing agents.

Recently, however, they have started to use Mojo for data entry – and haven’t looked back since.

Grice Collins Long uses property management software from Trace Solutions

“I love Mojo forms! I recently entered all the tenants in the Milton Keynes Railway Station and it took me a fraction of the time it would have done in the past.”

“Mojo is just fantastic for data entry. I prefer to enter information manually because it gives me such a clear sense of the portfolio in question. But with Mojo and the Form Editor, that manual process becomes almost effortless.”

“Mojo means we don’t miss anything important, and makes what was formerly a long-winded process so much easier.”

If you’d like to know more about Trace Solutions property management software, please call us on +44 (0)20 7825 1299, email us at hello@tracesolutions.co.uk, or use the contact form below.

“Mojo is just fantastic for data entry. I prefer to enter information manually because it gives me such a clear sense of the portfolio in question. But with Mojo and the Form Editor, that manual process becomes almost effortless.”

Michelle Grice, Associate Director, Grice Collins Long
