23rd March 2023

Service charges: hot topic at the NHF conference

NHF Housing Finance Conference 2023 panel discussing service charges

Liverpool, UK, 15th March 2023 – a panel discussion on “The Practical Process of Implementing Service Charge Software” proved to be one of the most popular breakout sessions at the recent major conference held by the National Housing Federation.

The panel comprised Roisin Vallely, who successfully led the implementation of BlueBox service charge software at Together Housing; Dan Oehlman, of Ad Esse Consulting, the highly respected service charge expert and an 18 year veteran in the sector; and Ben Whitmore, of Tripartum, the specialist document strategy company.

You can watch the whole discussion in the video at the end of this article.

The panel was chaired by Trace Solutions’ Business Development Director Neil Stewart, and was specifically requested by the NHF after a similar discussion at their Service Conference in September was oversubscribed with questions from interested parties.

The NHF Housing Finance Conference & Exhibition takes place in March every year at the Liverpool ACC conference centre. It is attended by almost a thousand senior finance professionals from across the UK’s Housing Association sector.

Trace Solutions was one of the headline sponsors of the conference, and also had a well-attended stand in the exhibition area.

The session was specifically requested by the NHF after a similar panel discussion at their Service Conference in September was oversubscribed with questions from interested parties

Trace Solutions

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