22nd May 2020

Trace staff support care home employees

Support workers during Covid 19 holding up thank you signs

It has, of course, been relatively easy for our staff to switch to home working. 

We are after all a software company. And when the COVID-19 crisis struck, all our backup plans were already in place.

No such luck for those who work in the medical professions or, in particular, the care home sector. They’ve been on the front line since the arrival of the virus.

A number of our employees have close relatives living in care homes, and in our (online) company meeting, we were able to hear first hand about the intense pressures those care home staff are facing.

We also heard how little recognition they were getting at that time, compared to, say, doctors and nurses.

So as an employee-owned organisation we resolved to make a significant donation to the care home sector.

Managers and staff at Trace raised several thousand pounds in personal donations and we were able to distribute that money directly to individual workers at three care homes which were known to us.

Trace raises a lot of money each year for favoured charities, both through the Give As You Earn scheme and via an annual Christmas donation.

But with emotions running high during this pandemic, it felt like there was something very special about this particular series of gifts.

Perhaps because it was so personal: Trace employees, safely working at home, expressing gratitude to those who have so bravely faced difficult and often dangerous situations, every day they’ve gone in to work.

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Call or email us now on ‭+44 (0)20 7825 1299 for a free, no obligation demonstration. Please note: during the current pandemic all demos are taking place online, via Zoom or MS Teams.
